In the third round of the EGCC 50+Tournament BESSERAT two-member teams fought it out on the Stone Course, playing a Ryder Cup Scramble. 17 teams participated in the competition and all three best teams gained a net result of 80. The lowest HCP of the game was decisive as 40% of the team members sum of handicaps was calculated. Third place was won by Kati Palmar and Paul Pukk ( HCP 20), second place was won by Aivar Kangust and Andres Erm (HCP 16) and first place was won by Marina Kruger and Avo Lillemäe (HCP 15).

As hardly anyone leaves the EGCC 50+ tournament without an award, there were more prizes given out. The winner in the women’s competiiton “Closest to the Flag” held on the third hole of the Stone Course was won once again by Margarita Ross (5.85 m) , in the men’s competition the best stroke came from by Andres Erm (3.79 m from the flag). The competition “The longest opening drive” was held on the 9th hole this year and the best strokes were hit by Monica Pihlak and Avo Lillemäe.
None of participants who failed to excel at the competition had cause to get upset because the Golf School is willing to offer any and all help and consultation to the members of the EGCC 50+; gift vouchers for 20-minute private pro sessions were won by Väino Valts and Peep Siimon.