Dear Golfers and Friends, I am writing to you regarding the current health emergency in the Republic of Estonia and the decision to close all recreational facilities, sports clubs, and other indoor activities. As you will be aware, in addition, it is advisable to stay away from all work and family gatherings. Given the Health Board's recommendation for outdoor exercise, we have decided that whilst the golf course itself will remain open, the clubhouse will be closed and no rental equipment will be provided, etc. So, there will be no services provided. Players can go out on the field themselves but must change, wash and sauna back at home. No one will be checking players to see if they have paid, but hardly anyone wants to steal at this difficult time.

Our recommendations for playing golf in the current emergency so that it's safe for health:

- Golf should be played with a maximum of four players, please keep the usual distance, which is usually at least 2 meters for Estonians anyway and usually more on the golf course.

- Avoid handshaking and hugging - again not usually an issue for Estonians. Hopefully in May, when the sun is warmer, holes will be drier and the flu season will come to a natural end.

- Please do not touch the flag or flag pole - and if you have to retrieve your ball use a glove.

- If you remove your glove, remove it so that you begin to take it off from behind. It is not advisable, either now or otherwise, to put your finger in your mouth or your glove.

- If you are in the habit of sharing a putt or driver or similar in a regular game, please don’t and if you do, please sanitise your hand and the grip.

- Be especially careful when playing with older people - we have superb players over 70 who often catch the eye of most middle-aged players, but let's take the country's and the Health Board's recommendations seriously and keep a distance and preserve the health of the more experienced amongst us.

The state also came out on March 16 with an official position on the use of sports facilities in the current state of emergency:

There is no ban on sports facilities in the open air, and similarly to health and nature study trails. Whilst other recreational services are severely restricted, activities that provide outdoor exercise and healing definitely are not. However, it is important that facility owners make every effort to comply with any recommendations made by the Health Board.

We will open the clubhouse when it is safe and listen to the country's recommendations. It is safer on the golf course than on the narrow boardwalk on the Viru bog or RMK hiking trails at weekends. We have 150Ha of land and 50 people at most at a time on the Stone Course. You can also take a stroll on the Sea Course and enjoy the beauty of spring. Be healthy, and we will overcome this mess together. Acting responsibly and bearing yourself and others in mind is the name of the game.

Hanno Kross
Chairman of the Board of AS EGCC


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