On, June 03, a new series of events called ‘Family & Friends by Võrguvara’ started. As the name suggests this is a series for families and friends and in the first stage, the format for a fun Pairs Texas Scramble, with both team members playing the best ball and one result per team. The competitions will be played either on th Sea or Stone course and there will be a light meal afterwards with prizes for the best players from the sponsor. Võrguvara director Jüri Reitsak has said that theme ‘families and friends’ is very well matched with his business vision and philosophy: "Networking agents are one family, and it's important that people in their families are look out for each other. Võrguvara works with the largest companies in Estonia, but I am also happy to help the smaller ones too. "

Altogether the series will have five stages during the season, of which the result of the two best stages and the final result will be taken into account when calculating the series winners. You can register as a team or single player through the Golfbox - keep your eyes open for the next event.

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